
migrate gw_summary from gotweb_ui.h to kcgihtml

improve gw_template error handling, remove gw_briefs from gotweb_ui and move to kcgihtml

make commit ID links in gotweb's blame page point to diffs rather than blobs

add link to blame hash for blob of that commit

stop compounding slashes on folder path

remove html from blob output

add gw_blob to increase the usefulness of gw_tree

alternate color of tree lines to prepare for blob/blame conversion

add tag link for each tag on summary page for repos display tag commit info from link close leak in gw_tree

display 'No repositories found in $got_repos_path" if gotweb finds no repos

complete gotweb refactor

hide currently unused link

blame css


save blame work

start tree

add tag html

add tag action

add tag action

fix typo in heads_navs html

add tags and heads

add more log headers for pages

lowercase a couple of mistakes

create full logs page

cleanup shortlog css