Commit Diff

commit - e4fc48c82e094cf58b242cc5ec526bd4c924a9c4
commit + de07a883612cf3e920790704515df43f4121d760
blob - 8e95dc883934946cdf862ad03548a6bac3bd8665
blob + 4b49e7e302eefd494326cc87f9607a044a6779e6
--- goals.html
+++ goals.html
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ changes to a cascade of public and private mirrors.
 Consider workflow requirements of OpenBSD developers.
-<li>Strong built-in support for a centralized repository model.
+<li>Strong built-in support for a centralized repository model
+(<a href="notes-pull-push">ideas about pull/push</a>).
 <li>Keep things easy for developers who don't need branches.
 <li>Support local branches for developers who need them.
 <li>Support &quot;-stable&quot; release branches.