Commit Diff

commit - 19898622e17988154d9131968e9a2a8d039e5610
commit + f6a6fa94328d407ca827c52bdbd52faf81520cec
blob - 5cc83c6ae12571a41866f719f2bcc779056930e0
blob + 640327e8962a1f692f194a6ea067173e85cb9df8
--- git-repository.5.html
+++ git-repository.5.html
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 49d2a61c4646ba93878ace3fa6dea35ed02987e0
blob + 46fa54b327aae922b11dc47db9a32640e51bcfbb
--- got-worktree.5.html
+++ got-worktree.5.html
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 34de6ab96ea0f3f69b3ecc4bbc9d6a651ae36e3c
blob + 81e7d513182bb0cd08c1318bd9481e601c1bc28b
--- got.1.html
+++ got.1.html
@@ -108,7 +108,9 @@
           <var class="Ar">pattern</var>. This option may be specified multiple
           times to build a list of ignore patterns. The
           <var class="Ar">pattern</var> follows the globbing rules documented in
-          <a class="Xr" aria-label="glob, section 7">glob(7)</a>.</dd>
+          <a class="Xr" aria-label="glob, section 7">glob(7)</a>. Ignore
+          patterns which end with a slash, &#x201C;/&#x201D;, will only match
+          directories.</dd>
       <dt id="m"><a class="permalink" href="#m"><code class="Fl">-m</code></a>
         <var class="Ar">message</var></dt>
       <dd>Use the specified log message when creating the new commit. Without
@@ -265,6 +267,20 @@
       <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a> or Git's
       <span class="Pa">config</span> file of the local repository, as created by
       <code class="Cm">got clone</code>.
+    <p class="Pp">By default, any branches configured in
+        <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a> for the
+        <var class="Ar">remote-repository</var> will be fetched. If
+        <code class="Cm">got fetch</code> is invoked in a work tree then this
+        work tree's current branch will be fetched, too, provided it is present
+        on the server. If no branches to fetch can be found in
+        <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a> or via a
+        work tree, or said branches are not found on the server, a branch
+        resolved via the remote repository's HEAD reference will be fetched.
+        Likewise, if a HEAD reference for the
+        <var class="Ar">remote-repository</var> exists but its target no longer
+        matches the remote HEAD, then the new target branch will be fetched.
+        This default behaviour can be overridden with the
+        <code class="Fl">-a</code> and <code class="Fl">-b</code> options.</p>
     <p class="Pp">New changes will be stored in a separate pack file downloaded
         from the server. Optionally, separate pack files stored in the
         repository can be combined with <a class="Xr" aria-label="git-repack,
@@ -294,18 +310,15 @@
       <dd>Fetch all branches from the remote repository's
           &#x201C;refs/heads/&#x201D; reference namespace. This option can be
           enabled by default for specific repositories in
-          <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a>. If
-          this option is not specified, a branch resolved via the remote
-          repository's HEAD reference will be fetched. Cannot be used together
-          with the <code class="Fl">-b</code> option.</dd>
+          <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a>. Cannot
+          be used together with the <code class="Fl">-b</code> option.</dd>
       <dt id="b~3"><a class="permalink" href="#b~3"><code class="Fl">-b</code></a>
         <var class="Ar">branch</var></dt>
       <dd>Fetch the specified <var class="Ar">branch</var> from the remote
           repository's &#x201C;refs/heads/&#x201D; reference namespace. This
           option may be specified multiple times to build a list of branches to
-          fetch. If this option is not specified, a branch resolved via the
-          remote repository's HEAD reference will be fetched. Cannot be used
-          together with the <code class="Fl">-a</code> option.</dd>
+          fetch. Cannot be used together with the <code class="Fl">-a</code>
+          option.</dd>
       <dt id="d"><a class="permalink" href="#d"><code class="Fl">-d</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Delete branches and tags from the local repository which are no longer
           present in the remote repository. Only references are deleted. Any
@@ -653,16 +666,18 @@
         <code class="Cm">got status</code> reads <a class="Xr" aria-label="glob,
         section 7">glob(7)</a> patterns from <span class="Pa">.cvsignore</span>
         and <span class="Pa">.gitignore</span> files in each traversed directory
-        and will not display unversioned files which match these patterns. As an
-        extension to <a class="Xr" aria-label="glob, section 7">glob(7)</a>
-        matching rules, <code class="Cm">got status</code> supports consecutive
-        asterisks, &#x201C;**&#x201D;, which will match an arbitrary amount of
-        directories. Unlike <a class="Xr" aria-label="cvs, section
-        1">cvs(1)</a>, <code class="Cm">got status</code> only supports a single
-        ignore pattern per line. Unlike <a class="Xr" aria-label="git, section
-        1">git(1)</a>, <code class="Cm">got status</code> does not support
-        negated ignore patterns prefixed with &#x201C;!&#x201D;, and gives no
-        special significance to the location of path component separators,
+        and will not display unversioned files which match these patterns.
+        Ignore patterns which end with a slash, &#x201C;/&#x201D;, will only
+        match directories. As an extension to <a class="Xr" aria-label="glob,
+        section 7">glob(7)</a> matching rules, <code class="Cm">got
+        status</code> supports consecutive asterisks, &#x201C;**&#x201D;, which
+        will match an arbitrary amount of directories. Unlike
+        <a class="Xr" aria-label="cvs, section 1">cvs(1)</a>,
+        <code class="Cm">got status</code> only supports a single ignore pattern
+        per line. Unlike <a class="Xr" aria-label="git, section 1">git(1)</a>,
+        <code class="Cm">got status</code> does not support negated ignore
+        patterns prefixed with &#x201C;!&#x201D;, and gives no special
+        significance to the location of path component separators,
         &#x201C;/&#x201D;, in a pattern.</p>
   <dt id="log"><a class="permalink" href="#log"><code class="Cm">log</code></a>
@@ -1388,7 +1403,7 @@
   <dt id="ci"><a class="permalink" href="#commit"><code class="Cm" id="commit">commit</code></a>
-    [<code class="Fl">-NnS</code>] [<code class="Fl">-A</code>
+    [<code class="Fl">-CNnS</code>] [<code class="Fl">-A</code>
     <var class="Ar">author</var>] [<code class="Fl">-F</code>
     <var class="Ar">path</var>] [<code class="Fl">-m</code>
     <var class="Ar">message</var>] [<var class="Ar">path ...</var>]</dt>
@@ -1448,9 +1463,9 @@
         <var class="Ar">author</var></dt>
       <dd>Set author information in the newly created commit to
           <var class="Ar">author</var>. This is useful when committing changes
-          which were written by someone else. The <var class="Ar">author</var>
-          argument must use the same format as the
-          <code class="Ev">GOT_AUTHOR</code> environment variable.
+          on behalf of someone else. The <var class="Ar">author</var> argument
+          must use the same format as the <code class="Ev">GOT_AUTHOR</code>
+          environment variable.
         <p class="Pp">In addition to storing author information, the newly
             created commit object will retain &#x201C;committer&#x201D;
             information which is obtained, as usual, from the
@@ -1458,6 +1473,14 @@
             <a class="Xr" aria-label="got.conf, section 5">got.conf(5)</a>, or
             Git configuration settings.</p>
+      <dt id="C~3"><a class="permalink" href="#C~3"><code class="Fl">-C</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Allow committing files in conflicted status.
+        <p class="Pp">Committing files with conflict markers should generally be
+            avoided. Cases where conflict markers must be stored in the
+            repository for some legitimate reason should be very rare. There are
+            usually ways to avoid storing conflict markers verbatim by applying
+            appropriate programming tricks.</p>
+      </dd>
       <dt id="F~2"><a class="permalink" href="#F~2"><code class="Fl">-F</code></a>
         <var class="Ar">path</var></dt>
       <dd>Use the prepared log message stored in the file found at
@@ -1686,11 +1709,15 @@
         have been merged into the work tree. When a file changed by
         <code class="Cm">got cherrypick</code> is committed with
         <code class="Cm">got commit</code>, the log messages of relevant merged
-        commits will then appear in the editor, where the messages must be
-        further adjusted to convey the reasons for cherrypicking the changes. If
-        all the changes in all files touched by a given commit are discarded,
-        e.g. with <code class="Cm">got revert</code>, this commit's log message
-        record will also disappear.</p>
+        commits will then appear in the editor, where the messages should be
+        further adjusted to convey the reasons for cherrypicking the changes.
+        Upon exiting the editor, if the time stamp of the log message file is
+        unchanged or the log message is empty, <code class="Cm">got
+        commit</code> will fail with an unmodified or empty log message
+      error.</p>
+    <p class="Pp">If all the changes in all files touched by a given commit are
+        discarded, e.g. with <code class="Cm">got revert</code>, this commit's
+        log message record will also disappear.</p>
     <p class="Pp"><code class="Cm">got cherrypick</code> will refuse to run if
         certain preconditions are not met. If the work tree contains multiple
         base commits, it must first be updated to a single base commit with
@@ -1784,10 +1811,14 @@
         <code class="Cm">got backout</code> is committed with
         <code class="Cm">got commit</code>, the log messages of relevant
         reverse-merged commits will then appear in the editor, where the
-        messages must be further adjusted to convey the reasons for backing out
-        the changes. If all the changes in all files touched by a given commit
-        are discarded, e.g. with <code class="Cm">got revert</code>, this
-        commit's log message record will also disappear.</p>
+        messages should be further adjusted to convey the reasons for backing
+        out the changes. Upon exiting the editor, if the time stamp of the log
+        message file is unchanged or the log message is empty,
+        <code class="Cm">got commit</code> will fail with an unmodified or empty
+        log message error.</p>
+    <p class="Pp">If all the changes in all files touched by a given commit are
+        discarded, e.g. with <code class="Cm">got revert</code>, this commit's
+        log message record will also disappear.</p>
     <p class="Pp"><code class="Cm">got backout</code> will refuse to run if
         certain preconditions are not met. If the work tree contains multiple
         base commits, it must first be updated to a single base commit with
@@ -1822,7 +1853,7 @@
     <p class="Pp"></p>
   <dt id="rb"><a class="permalink" href="#rebase"><code class="Cm" id="rebase">rebase</code></a>
-    [<code class="Fl">-aclX</code>] [<var class="Ar">branch</var>]</dt>
+    [<code class="Fl">-aCclX</code>] [<var class="Ar">branch</var>]</dt>
     <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">(alias:
       <code class="Cm">rb</code>)</code></div>
@@ -1944,6 +1975,10 @@
       <dt id="a~5"><a class="permalink" href="#a~5"><code class="Fl">-a</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Abort an interrupted rebase operation. If this option is used, no
           other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
+      <dt id="C~4"><a class="permalink" href="#C~4"><code class="Fl">-C</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Allow a rebase operation to continue with files in conflicted status.
+          This option should generally be avoided, and can only be used with the
+          <code class="Fl">-c</code> option.</dd>
       <dt id="c~11"><a class="permalink" href="#c~11"><code class="Fl">-c</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Continue an interrupted rebase operation. If this option is used, no
           other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
@@ -1985,7 +2020,7 @@
   <dt id="he"><a class="permalink" href="#histedit"><code class="Cm" id="histedit">histedit</code></a>
-    [<code class="Fl">-aceflmX</code>] [<code class="Fl">-F</code>
+    [<code class="Fl">-aCcdeflmX</code>] [<code class="Fl">-F</code>
     <var class="Ar">histedit-script</var>] [<var class="Ar">branch</var>]</dt>
     <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">(alias:
@@ -2149,9 +2184,18 @@
       <dt id="a~6"><a class="permalink" href="#a~6"><code class="Fl">-a</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Abort an interrupted histedit operation. If this option is used, no
           other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
+      <dt id="C~5"><a class="permalink" href="#C~5"><code class="Fl">-C</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Allow a histedit operation to continue with files in conflicted
+          status. This option should generally be avoided, and can only be used
+          with the <code class="Fl">-c</code> option.</dd>
       <dt id="c~12"><a class="permalink" href="#c~12"><code class="Fl">-c</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Continue an interrupted histedit operation. If this option is used, no
           other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
+      <dt id="d~7"><a class="permalink" href="#d~7"><code class="Fl">-d</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Drop all commits. This option is a quick equivalent to a histedit
+          script which drops all commits. The <code class="Fl">-d</code> option
+          can only be used when starting a new histedit operation. If this
+          option is used, no other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
       <dt id="e"><a class="permalink" href="#e"><code class="Fl">-e</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Interrupt the histedit operation for editing after merging each
           commit. This option is a quick equivalent to a histedit script which
@@ -2267,7 +2311,7 @@
         reverted with <code class="Cm">got revert</code>.</p>
   <dt id="mg"><a class="permalink" href="#merge"><code class="Cm" id="merge">merge</code></a>
-    [<code class="Fl">-acn</code>] [<var class="Ar">branch</var>]</dt>
+    [<code class="Fl">-aCcn</code>] [<var class="Ar">branch</var>]</dt>
     <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">(alias:
       <code class="Cm">mg</code>)</code></div>
@@ -2370,6 +2414,10 @@
       <dt id="a~7"><a class="permalink" href="#a~7"><code class="Fl">-a</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Abort an interrupted merge operation. If this option is used, no other
           command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
+      <dt id="C~6"><a class="permalink" href="#C~6"><code class="Fl">-C</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Allow a merge operation to continue with files in conflicted status.
+          This option should generally be avoided, and can only be used with the
+          <code class="Fl">-c</code> option.</dd>
       <dt id="c~13"><a class="permalink" href="#c~13"><code class="Fl">-c</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Continue an interrupted merge operation. If this option is used, no
           other command-line arguments are allowed.</dd>
@@ -3129,7 +3177,7 @@ remote &quot;origin&quot; {
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - ffd6008f70819ad7ea1c246f69109d1176bc6092
blob + 8a488b05f6db07bde29719ef01c56e2b4b354a0b
--- got.conf.5.html
+++ got.conf.5.html
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - dc24400ff5e921ed1e2d319bf3e6809f32ba6506
blob + fa40177ea1446e8d5d2ebb933184ba3e46a8a124
--- gotadmin.1.html
+++ gotadmin.1.html
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
   <dt id="pack"><a class="permalink" href="#pack"><code class="Cm">pack</code></a>
-    [<code class="Fl">-aq</code>] [<code class="Fl">-r</code>
+    [<code class="Fl">-aDq</code>] [<code class="Fl">-r</code>
     <var class="Ar">repository-path</var>] [<code class="Fl">-x</code>
     <var class="Ar">reference</var>] [<var class="Ar">reference ...</var>]</dt>
   <dd>Generate a new pack file and a corresponding pack file index. By default,
@@ -128,6 +128,10 @@
       <dd>Add objects to the generated pack file even if they are already packed
           in a different pack file. Unless this option is specified, only loose
           objects will be added.</dd>
+      <dt id="D"><a class="permalink" href="#D"><code class="Fl">-D</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Force the use of ref-delta representation for deltified objects. If
+          this option is not specified, offset-deltas will be used to represent
+          deltified objects.</dd>
       <dt id="q"><a class="permalink" href="#q"><code class="Fl">-q</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Suppress progress reporting output.</dd>
       <dt id="r~2"><a class="permalink" href="#r~2"><code class="Fl">-r</code></a>
@@ -344,7 +348,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 78495330bf7b43ea403d49791a9d5c506f485e0e
blob + 8c10bb407dd68cc27348b96df3ba8a2b5e2e4a18
--- gotctl.8.html
+++ gotctl.8.html
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - bede3890b9c5ad4d8793b159d3481f6fcaf7bfcf
blob + c62308ff458c495109093148bb88cb89d8922bbc
--- gotd.8.html
+++ gotd.8.html
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 6bbe55015fff76f658831e60552be68b6d813b68
blob + 1a1dc512af9a0c947a16dbed02212ef865c08b0a
--- gotd.conf.5.html
+++ gotd.conf.5.html
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ connection {
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 9e12b8ee72caf39e2a11242ed0ad0c86f767ec82
blob + 24fca51cbd0740bf8be81e846d23008b41f07c7b
--- gotsh.1.html
+++ gotsh.1.html
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - fddfb5664ba51a629e3b28d5552540538c8016c4
blob + adbe9fd5e421d817bb8a4b5fd737fd68e769263f
--- gotwebd.8.html
+++ gotwebd.8.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - 5e8f92306d2e6814cc106f27605b154fbcf18aeb
blob + 9dfb77ada555b6385766a0ef1c7a754ee9372ef1
--- gotwebd.conf.5.html
+++ gotwebd.conf.5.html
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ owner = &quot;Your Name&quot;</pre>
 # all paths relative to /var/www (httpd chroot jail)
-prefork 1
+prefork 3
 server &quot;localhost-unix&quot; {
 	repos_path &quot;/got/public&quot;
@@ -220,17 +220,16 @@ server &quot;localhost-unix&quot; {
 	logo_url   &quot;;
 	# on by default
-	#show_site_owner  off
-	#show_repo_owner  off
-	#show_repo_age  false
+	#show_site_owner  on
+	#show_repo_owner  on
+	#show_repo_age  on
 	#show_repo_description no
-	#show_repo_cloneurl  off
-	# off by default
-	#respect_exportok  on
+	#show_repo_cloneurl  on
+	#respect_exportok off
-	#max_repos   100
+	#max_repos   0
 	#max_repos_display  25
-	#max_commits_display  50
+	#max_commits_display  25
 # Example server context for FCGI over TCP connections:
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ server &quot;localhost-unix&quot; {
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>
blob - f883bbb469fdd54993e2d1fb01485fcef20977e0
blob + afec55464ebcaa00a7dac4aa3b73d6fd10515150
--- tog.1.html
+++ tog.1.html
@@ -122,6 +122,20 @@
   <dd>Go to line N in the view (default: last line).</dd>
   <dt id="g"><a class="permalink" href="#g"><code class="Cm">g</code></a></dt>
   <dd>Go to line N in the view (default: first line).</dd>
+  <dt id="Right-arrow,"><a class="permalink" href="#Right-arrow,"><code class="Cm">Right-arrow,
+    l</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Scroll view to the right N increments (default: 1).
+    <br/>
+    Output moves left on the screen.</dd>
+  <dt id="Left-arrow,"><a class="permalink" href="#Left-arrow,"><code class="Cm">Left-arrow,
+    h</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Scroll view to the left N increments (default: 1).
+    <br/>
+    Output moves right on the screen.</dd>
+  <dt id="$"><a class="permalink" href="#$"><code class="Cm">$</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Scroll view to the rightmost position.</dd>
+  <dt id="0"><a class="permalink" href="#0"><code class="Cm">0</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Scroll view left to the start of the line.</dd>
 <p class="Pp">The commands for <code class="Nm">tog</code> are as follows:</p>
 <dl class="Bl-tag">
@@ -146,20 +160,6 @@
       <dt id="Up-arrow,"><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,"><code class="Cm">Up-arrow,
         k, &lt;, Comma, Ctrl-p</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Move the selection cursor up N lines (default: 1).</dd>
-      <dt id="Right-arrow,"><a class="permalink" href="#Right-arrow,"><code class="Cm">Right-arrow,
-        l</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll log message field to the right N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        Log message moves left on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="Left-arrow,"><a class="permalink" href="#Left-arrow,"><code class="Cm">Left-arrow,
-        h</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll log message field to the left N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        Log message moves right on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="$"><a class="permalink" href="#$"><code class="Cm">$</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll log message field to the rightmost position.</dd>
-      <dt id="0"><a class="permalink" href="#0"><code class="Cm">0</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll log message field to the leftmost position.</dd>
       <dt id="Page-down,"><a class="permalink" href="#Page-down,"><code class="Cm">Page-down,
         Space, Ctrl+f, f</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Move the selection cursor down N pages (default: 1).</dd>
@@ -294,20 +294,6 @@
       <dt id="Up-arrow,~2"><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,~2"><code class="Cm">Up-arrow,
         k, Ctrl-p</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Scroll up N lines (default: 1).</dd>
-      <dt id="Right-arrow,~2"><a class="permalink" href="#Right-arrow,~2"><code class="Cm">Right-arrow,
-        l</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the right N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        Diff output moves left on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="Left-arrow,~2"><a class="permalink" href="#Left-arrow,~2"><code class="Cm">Left-arrow,
-        h</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the left N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        Diff output moves right on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="$~2"><a class="permalink" href="#$~2"><code class="Cm">$</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the rightmost position.</dd>
-      <dt id="0~2"><a class="permalink" href="#0~2"><code class="Cm">0</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view left to the start of the line.</dd>
       <dt id="Page-down,~2"><a class="permalink" href="#Page-down,~2"><code class="Cm">Page-down,
         Space, Ctrl+f, f</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Scroll down N pages (default: 1).</dd>
@@ -408,20 +394,6 @@
       <dt id="Up-arrow,~3"><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,~3"><code class="Cm">Up-arrow,
         k, Ctrl-p</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Move the selection cursor up N pages (default: 1).</dd>
-      <dt id="Right-arrow,~3"><a class="permalink" href="#Right-arrow,~3"><code class="Cm">Right-arrow,
-        l</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the right N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        File output moves left on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="Left-arrow,~3"><a class="permalink" href="#Left-arrow,~3"><code class="Cm">Left-arrow,
-        h</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the left N increments (default: 1).
-        <br/>
-        File output moves right on the screen.</dd>
-      <dt id="$~3"><a class="permalink" href="#$~3"><code class="Cm">$</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view to the rightmost position.</dd>
-      <dt id="0~3"><a class="permalink" href="#0~3"><code class="Cm">0</code></a></dt>
-      <dd>Scroll view left to the start of the line.</dd>
       <dt id="Page-down,~3"><a class="permalink" href="#Page-down,~3"><code class="Cm">Page-down,
         Space, Ctrl+f, f</code></a></dt>
       <dd>Move the selection cursor down N pages (default: 1).</dd>
@@ -797,7 +769,7 @@
 <div class="foot" role="doc-pagefooter" aria-label="Manual footer
-  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">January 30,
+  line"><span class="foot-left"></span><span class="foot-date">February 22,
   2023</span> <span class="foot-os">OpenBSD 7.2</span></div>