
sync man pages

portable: fix typo

portable: add a link to latest release

portable: release 0.68.1

portable: release 0.68

portable: mention supported OSes and update HTML With the -portable 0.68 release, mention which OSes are now officially supported, and whilst here update some missing HTML tags.

publish got 0.68

portable: release 0.67

publish got 0.67

portable: release 0.66

publish got 0.66

portable: release 0.65

sync LICENCE file

sync LICENCE file

publish got 0.65

portable: release 0.64

add missing libexec helpers to the list on install.html

sync man pages

publish got 0.64

sync man pages for style (content is still based on 0.63 release for now)

use CSS style for online man pages; patch by Leon Fischer

sync man pages

publish got 0.63

portable: release 0.62 Release got-portable-0.62

sync man pages